Welcome To Drenl Ltd

Delivering affordable, low carbon renewable energy solutions for local communities across the globe using the best in class technologies – bringing power to the people.

Drenl Ltd is an innovative company experienced in project development and financial transactions. We are truly technology neutral and strongly believe that society should deliver on the demand for locally sourced and distributed renewable heat and electricity power.

We specialise in Energy from Waste (EfW) solutions, solar and geothermal. The team at Drenl are to develop locally generated and delivered power with battery storage. 

Using local resources – be it waste, underutilised roof-space or geothermal heat – we identify sites suitable for renewable energy projects and using our knowledge to identify the most appropriate state-of-the-art technology solution, deliver the most appropriate solution for each individual site.

Drenl has plans for new waste to energy projects, solar PV plus battery storage projects, and pure battery storage  solutions in the UK, and a geothermal project in Germany. Our goal is to support the country’s move to a low-carbon economy.